Aids and Donations

Information regarding donations, aids and other supports is strictly through YADAF contact persons as listed below:

Founder CEO - 08033917388

Marafa - 08034671592

You can donate and assist the cause of the Foundation in your individual ways. Your donation will turn around the lives of thousands of these drug users and displaced children in the early stages of their lives. By offering help to the victims at a young age, you will be proud to know that you have made an impact on their life pursuits and made the society a better place. Click the button to see the various ways you can donate/assist;

How to Donate

1. Yadaf back to school:

2. Counseling and rehabilitation:

You can assist the project by doing any of the following;

  • Sponsor a victim admitted into a reputable rehab (information regarding the fees, the drugs, the duration and the severity of the case will be supplied directly from the rehabilitation center via Yadaf coordinators)
  • Supply drugs for consultations at the Foundation ( this is strictly controlled by our highly qualified Medical Personnel)
  • Sponsor the cost of counseling victims at the Foundation ( during counseling sessions, refreshments, drugs and transportation stipends are given out to victims)

3. Skill center:

You can assist the project by sponsoring a trainee in any of the vocational trainings at the center. Trainees will require the following materials for the respective courses;
  • Plywood & nails
  • A pair of hacksaw
  • Cost of refreshment
  • Transportation stipends for trainees
  • Nominal allowance for tutors
  • Sample fabrics
  • A pair of scissors & threads
  • Cost of refreshment
  • Transportation stipends for trainees
  • Nominal allowance for tutors
  • Raw and unprocessed food like flour, rice, pasta, wheat etc
  • Seasoning ingredients
  • Sets of kitchen utensils like knife, chopping board, plates etc
  • Cost of refreshment
  • Transportation stipends for trainees
  • Nominal allowance for tutors
  • A pair of clippers
  • A pair of scissors, dusting powder, sanitizers, shaving creams, a smoother etc
  • Cost of refreshment
  • Transportation stipends for trainees
  • Nominal allowance for tutors
  • A rim of plain sheets
  • A flash drive or any storage device
  • Cost of refreshment
  • Transportation stipends for trainees
  • Nominal allowance for tutors
  • Writing materials
  • Cost of refreshment
  • Transportation stipends for trainees
  • Nominal allowance for tutors

4. Community Orientation:

You can sponsor the cost of visiting a community for sensitization by offsetting the following:

  • Cost of renting a Town Hall / Community hall
  • Cost of renting chairs for the audience
  • Cost of logistics for moving Yadaf staff to location
  • Transportation stipends for invited speakers/ Security Agencies


For Student's Campaign against drug abuse, the following are required for visiting a single school;

  • Learning material to be given out to the students
  • Sanitary pads (for Girl child)
  • Refreshments
  • 3 school bags, as prizes for a short Quiz
  • Cost of logistics for moving Yadaf staff to locations
  • Transportation stipends for invited speakers
  • Nominal allowance for Yadaf volunteers