Our Vision Statement:

Our Vision is to see a society free of drug abuse and substance use.

Mission Statement:

To curb the menace of drug abuse and substance use among the youth, by re-integrating them meaningfully into the society, through Counseling, Rehabilitation, Training, Inclusion and Education.


YADAF is a non-profit voluntary Organization with the sole aim of tackling drug and substance use among the youth in the society through rehabilitation, education, counseling, training and inclusion. The formation of YADAF was motivated by the need to assist drug users to become useful and add value to the society through rehabilitation and inclusion.

With Headquarters in the Northern city of Kano Nigeria, YADAF identified the prevalence of different forms of drug and substance use among the youth in the society and came up with various strategies/projects to confront the challenge. Accordingly, projects like counseling, vocational training, rehabilitation, formal education, etc were designed to confront the challenge.

In the course of our work, a lot of stakeholders involved with Drug responce are engaged like the State and Federal Governments, relevant Health care Professionals, Security Agencies, Traditional Institutions, Media Houses, Foreign Government Representatives, Private Sector, etc. Partnerships with Development Partners are equally developed for an “all inclusive and diverse” approach to the challenge of drug and substance use.


The idea and formation of YADAF was solely conceived by the Founder; Hajiya Fatima Bature Jikan-Dan-uwa, who also doubles as the Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation. The passion of the CEO in setting up the Foundation stems from an early childhood experience that involves a very close sibling who was a victim of substance use at an early age. His condition degenerated because the required early “ drug response ” was absent, thus, transforming his situation to a “ lost one”.

Born and brought up in the Northern city of Kano State Nigeria, she abandoned her Mass Communication Discpiline and ventured into Humanitarian work through her Foundation. Her passion for the Foundation equally stems from the sheer number of drug users in her immediate environment and the absence of requisite drug responce due to overstretched available Government Institutions.

In the course of her work at the Foundation, she is asisted by her Technical and Strategic partners and a team of dedicated and hardworking volunteers who make-up the management team.


YADAF Team comprises of the Founder/CEO, her Technical and Strategic Partners and a group of experienced and dedicated volunteeres. The Founder/CEO is in charge of the day to day running of the Foundation alongside the volunteers, while the Technical/Strategic partners develop plans, guidelines and blueprints on how to successfully implement YADAF Projects. They also render their technical expertise where necessary.

yadaf staff
substance abuse professionals in counseling
yadaf staff/workers
Team of experts in counseling and rehabilitation


In drawing out the plans and projects of YADAF, recourse was made to all the relevent efforts made by both State and non State actors, the successes recorded and the gaps identified. Inspiration was equally drawn from the efforts and policies of Agencies involved with Drug responce like the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, (NDLEA) and National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, (NAFDAC) and State Governments. Others are, National Drug Control Master Plan, 2021-2025, UNODC efforts on Drug responce, National Policy for Internally Displaced Persons and other contributions from Development Partners. The projects/ programmes are outlined below:


YADAF Back to School Opportunities

This project/programme helps to enlist drug users, substance users and displaced children back to formal schools. The essence of this project is for the victims to acquire a sound education that will put them back on their toes to become useful and add value to the society.

Selection of candidates in this category covers a rigorous screening exercise that involves, the Parents/Guadians of the candidate(s), Community Leaders, relevant Health care Professionals, and counselling from experienced and qualified Medical Professionals as well as personal interviews with the victims and documentations.

Similarly, the School Authorities are equally involved to establish additional supervision of the candidates by providing periodic updates on the pupils/students to the foundation.

The cost of “YADAF go back to school ” is entirely FREE and borne by the Foundation. In this regard, students/pupils are provided with uniforms, learning materials, schools bags, tuition fees and all the incidental expenses.

Back to learning

Free Learning materials given-out during students' campaign

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Counseling Experts and professionals

Counseling Session at community level
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Counseling and Rehabilitation

This is one of the most important projects of the Foundation. Victims here undergo a screening by highly qualified Health care Professionals to determine their individual cases. It is based on this screening that victims are categorised into cases of ‘brief interventions ’, ‘ referrals ’, ‘ outpatient treatment ’, etc.

The screening process is professionally conducted by involving Medical Professionals, the Parents/Guardians of users and Community Leaders, etc. Here too, the cost of the screening exercise and that of the admission into identified Rehabilitation Centers is FREE and entirely borne by the Foundation.


YADAF Skill Center Initiative

YADAF Skill center project is a step towards gainfully integrating victims of drug use, substance use, and displaced children back into the society. Victims here are trained on vocational skills that will make them useful and resourceful. Skilled labour like carpentary, tailoring, catering, soap making, shoe making, etc, are taught to the victims. Similarly, Computer literacy and extra-mural lessons are parts of the project.

Selection of candidates for the training is through a screening that determines individual talents and interests and the screening is jointly done to include the skill center tutors who are experienced and seasoned in their respective fields.

The “YADAF Skill Center ” project has been structured to include students on holidays from our other project; “YADAF go back to school” this is done to keep track of the activities of students on holidays and to further supervise the students effectively.

Skills center initiatives

YADAF Skill Center

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Government relation

Courtesy call to His Royal Highness, Emir of Kano State, Alh. Aminu Ado Bayero.

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Stakeholder Engagement

This project involves identifying and Partnering the relevant stakeholders that are involved with drug responce like the State and Federal Governments, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Security Agencies, Community Leaders, Religious Leaders, Post Primary and Secondary Schools' Management Authorities, etc. This is done against the backdrop of identifying the need for effective synergy between the Foundation and all the stakeholders.

In this regard, the Founder/CEO has led a delegation of the management to meet all these stakeholders at various times and the engagement has been fruitful, deep and mutual.


Anti Drug Abuse Compaign Projects

YADAF “Anti drug Abuse Campaign” is a project that enlightens the general public on the negative effects of drug use on the society. This is done through a series of “Sub Projects like:

Radio/Tv Programs/Projects

YADAF Founder/CEO in a radio station

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Radio/TV Programmes

Under this sub-project, the local radio and TV stations are engaged to run programmes/interviews with Health care Professionals and YADADF staff, on the medical ills of drug and substance use, the causes of drug use, the symptoms of drug use and the need for immediate help when the symptoms are manifest.

Information is also sent to the general public on the time and dates of YADAF screening exercises regarding all other projects.


Free Learning materials given out during a school visit.

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Students' Campaign/Counselling

Here, the Foundation periodically organises a visit to Primary schools, Secondary schools and Faith based Community Schools for a general enlightenment on the ills of Drug and substance use .

The visit also involves private counselling sessions with some students that have been identified by the school authorities to have exhibited early signs of drug use. This is in line with the Foundation's policy of “catch and treat them young”.

During such sessions, free items are shared like sanitary pads (for girl child), Religious Books like The Holy Quran, learning materials like Math set, pens, etc. The YADAF Management that undertakes this sub project comprises of the CEO, Health care Professionals, Religious Leaders and other management staff of the Foundation.


Walk Against Drug Abuse.

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Walk Against Drug Abuse

Walk Against Drug Abuse is a “Road walk” organised periodically to enlighten the general public on the ills of Drug and substance use. During the exercise, invitation are extended to all relevant partners and other stakeholders like the Security Agencies, Community Leaders, Government Agencies and other volunteers.

The road walk involves “stop-overs” at designated spots within the town for short speeches on the ills of Drug use and its negative effects on the society, while also having a full media coverage.


Sensitizing a Community

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Community Orientation

Under this sub-project, “Town Hall Meetings” are organised at specific centers of the Local community to educate the community on the negative effects of Drug and substance use. The town hall meeting is mainly organised with the assistance of the Community and Religious Leaders. Other stakeholders like the Security Agencies, Media Houses, Local Government officials like the Chairman and the Councilor of the host Community are equally involved.

Resource persons that anchor the programme are Community Leaders, relevant Health care Professionals, Religious Leaders and the Management of the Foundation.

The second leg of the Community Orientation is called “ Community viewing Centre Initiative”. Under this aspect of the Community Orientation Project, the Foundation has procured Industrial Projectors for airing short dramas, plays and shows to the young people of the Community on the negative effects of drug use on the society and the victims.

The audience targeted for this Project are the young people in the local Community who are gathered with the assistance of the local officials like the Chairman, Councilor, Ward Heads, Local and Religious Leaders, etc.

Students' campaign

YADAF progress in numbers:

Take a look........

School Project


Students enrolled back

Counseling Project


Patients Counseled

Rehabilitation Project


Patients admitted to various treatment centres

Community Orientation


Communities visited

Aids and Donations

Information regarding donations, aid and other supports is strictly through YADAF contact persons as listed below:

Founder CEO - 08033917388


Marafa - 08034671592

For more details and various kinds of Aids and Donations, please follow the link below:

You can donate and assist the cause of the Foundation in your individual ways. Your donation will turn around the lives of thousands of these drug users and displaced children in the early stages of their lives. By offering help to the victims at a young age, you will be proud to know that you have made an impact on their life pursuits and made the society a better place. Click the button to see the various ways you can donate/assist;

Founder - CEO delivering speech in a session of YADAF Project

Founder - CEO and team during a public campaign in a sports field

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